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This apparatus consists of two wooden laths (2 meters in length and 40*40 mm. cross-section) and designed for children entertainment and fun. For bigger children you may take 2.5 m. or even longer laths. 

To make good stilts, you should take sleek laths without cracks and twigs. With help of sharp knife,  shave the length of 1200 mm. (from upper part) to round cross-section (A-section on picture). The ledges (for legs) will be two rectangle wooden bars with openings for bolts. Then drill the  openings of the same diameter across the laths every 100 mm. 

Owing to this, you will be able to control the height of the ledges on the laths, depending on height and skills of your child. Do not forget to attach resin disks to the ground ends of stilts to prevent sliding.

After the stilts are done, you are ready for contests and fun. By the way, not long ago, the stilts were not less popular, than bike, skis, or skates! Well done!

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