Wooden toy plans, fret saw and jigsaw patterns and templates, games, puzzles, handmade toys, caskets and many more!

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Below I offer you free wooden toy plans. These patterns are best for plywood or veneer. You can find it in any hardware or DIY store. The toys can be cut out with use of fretsaw or scroll saw. 

Fretsaw is much more widely-distributed and compact instrument, than scroll saw. The only difference while making wooden toy is that you have to apply some physical power to cut out the pattern when using the fretsaw, when the cutting mechanism of scroll saw may be electrically driven. Nevertheless, you will have to obtain a minimal knack to make your lovely child (or even wife!) happy. Wooden toy plans below may be used also for some decorative purposes if you wish so. 

So, let us get started. First, you have to choose the needed size of handicraft you are going to produce. You can use the copier machine to do that. Read about it here.  

After you have defined the sizes, you need to cut out the paper or cardboard template. Then, using  thin layer of glue, you have to stick your template onto plywood or veneer.
Wait for some time and you a ready to work. Carefully, without haste cut out the template. 

Do not throw the cuttings away. They can be useful in future. After your wooden pattern is ready, you need to work it up with sandpaper to smoothen sharp edges. Almost done! All you have to do to finish your handicraft is to encourage your imagination and cover the wooden pattern with dyes. As I mentioned earlier, the colours must be non-toxic (if the handicraft is made for your child). Anyway, it is better to use harmless materials.
Well, you have painted your wooden toy, it should lay for sometime to dry out. The last step is to cover your wooden toy with non-toxic transparent lacquer for fixing colours. Wait a little more to finish your handicraft. Thats done! Make a present!

Click the pictures to zoom (the drawings are rather big).

Plywood Wooden toy plans 


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